PADA suatu subuh saya hendak berangkat kerja. Kalau bukan karena perin dịch - PADA suatu subuh saya hendak berangkat kerja. Kalau bukan karena perin Anh làm thế nào để nói

PADA suatu subuh saya hendak berang

PADA suatu subuh saya hendak berangkat kerja. Kalau bukan karena perintah atasan, sebenarnya saya sangat malas untuk datang ke kantor di hari libur. Dengan mata masih mengantuk, saya mengendarai motor dengan agak pelan sambil menahan dinginnya angin subuh.

Namun, tiba-tiba di tengah perjalanan “Braaak!” Saya dikagetkan dengan suara benturan yang sangat keras yang membuat saya terkejut, ternyata tepat di depan saya terjadi kecelakaan. Terlihat ada tiga orang sudah terkapar, saya hentikan motor lalu saya pinggirkan di tepi jalan, dengan tergesea-gesa saya dekati tiga orang itu, sebenarnya saya tidak sanggup melihat kondisi ketiga orang tersebut, tapi karena jiwa kemanusiaan saya, akhirnya saya memberanikan diri.

Terlebih saat saya melihat keadaan seorang gadis berumur sekitar 15 tahun, kepalanya berlumuran darah terbentur aspal sangat keras, begitu juga dengan seorang bapak diperkirakan berumur 35 tahun mengalami hal yang sama. Namun, ada seseorang anak lelaki yang saya perkirakan anak laki-laki tersebut yang telah memboncegi gadis tersebut. Anak laki-laki tersebut masih tersadar duduk sambil merintih menahan kesakitan. Saat itu keadaan sepi, mungkin karena keadaan yang masih sangat pagi diperkirakan semua kantor juga libur.

Tak tahan melihatnya cepat-cepat saya angkat gadis itu yang sudah terluka parah, entah karena apa saya langsung menolong gadis itu. Mungkin karena gadis itu mirip dengan adik saya, jadi saya merasakan bagaimana kalau itu benar terjadi dengan adik saya. Dengan sekuat tenaga saya mengangkat gadis kecil itu, saya berteriak pada orang sekitar agar turut membantu, terutama untuk menolong seorang bapak yang sudah sekarat.

Dengan tertatih dan penuh darah di baju. Saya coba menghentikan mobil yang sedang melaju. Namun 1, 2, dan 3 mobil menolak, tak sanggup melihat seorang anak gadis yang sedang sekarat dipangkuan saya. Saya mencoba memberanikan diri saya ke tengah jalan raya dan memberhentikan sebuah mobil pick up. Tak banyak bicara langsung saya naik ke mobil. Hendak ingin menikkan gadis ke mobil tiba-tiba terjadi sedikit cekcok
“Ini ada apa?” tanya supir dengan sedikit menggentak.
“Tolong antarkan anak ini ke rumah sakit terdekat pak!” jawab saya tergesa.
“Tidak bisa, saya sedang sibuk,” jawab supir.
“Bapak tidak melihat gadis ini penuh dengan darah dan sekarat. Bapak masih punya hati kan?” ungkap saya dengan sedikit nada kesal.

Supir itu pun terdiam setelah melihat kondisi gadis tersebut. Setelah mendapat sinyal persetujuan saya langsung menaikkan gadis itu ke mobil, lalu orang-orang yang telah datang untuk membantu pun ikut mengangkat pemuda dan bapak yang terluka parah tersebut naik ke mobil pick up itu. Setelah semua korban kecelakaan itu naik ke mobil, mobil itu pun jalan menuju rumah sakit terdekat. Tetapi saya tidak ikut ke rumah sakit dikarenakan saya harus melanjutkan perjalanan menuju kantor. Sebelum ke kantor sejenak saya melihat-lihat kondisi motor bekas kecelakaan tadi, ternyata kondisinya sangat parah dan motor sudah tak terlihat bentuknya. Motor itu pun di simpan sementara di pom bensin yang dekat dengan kecelakaan. Setelah saya melihat tempat kejadian. Saya melanjutkan perjalanan ke kantor, untung saja saya punya baju cadangan untuk mengganti baju yang penuh darah.

Setelah jam pulang kantor kira-kira jam lima sore saya berniat ke pom bensin, selain untuk mengisi bensin, saya juga ingin melihat apakah motor bekas itu sudah diambil atau belum. Sampai di pom bensin saya melihat ada seorang bapak dan ibu yang ingin membawa motor bekas kecelakaan tersebut.

Saya dekati bapak dan ibu itu, dengan sedikit takut saya pun bertanya.
“Maaf pak, bu. Motor ini kenapa pak, kok ringsek begini?” tanya saya pura-pura tidak tahu.
“Ini motor anak saya yang tadi pagi kecelakaan,” jawab bapak agak memelas.
“Kalau boleh tahu anak bapak perempuan atau laki-laki? Lalu bagaimana dengan kondisinya sekarang pak?” tanya saya penasaran.
”Anak saya perempuan dik, dia sudah meninggal karena benturan keras dikepalanya,” jawab bapak dengan haru.

Mendengar jawaban dari bapak itu saya langsung terdiam, lemas, dan tidak berani bertanya. Saat saya terdiam tiba-tiba ibu itu berbicara dengan sedikit isak tangis.
“Padahal semalam ibu sudah melarangnya buat pergi, tapi anak ibu terus membantah untuk tetap pergi dengan teman laki-lakinya,” kata ibu itu sambil menangis.
“Berarti anak ibu itu semalaman bersama teman laki-lakinya itu tanpa izin orang tuanya,” gumam dalam hati saya, “Naudzubillah ampuni dia Yaa Allah.”

Terakhirnya ibu itu bicara sendiri, “Ya Allah ikhlaskan hamba, jangan sampai kekecewaan ini menyulitkan anakku di sana. Sayangi anakku ya Allah sesungguhnya hamba sangat menyanginya,” doa ibu itu sambil menangis.

Kejadian ini menjadi pelajaran penting buat saya bahwa larangan ibu sangatlah keramat. Banyak akibat buruk yang akan kita alami jika kita tidak menuruti perintah ibu. Dan kejadian ini juga bisa menjadi pelajaran buat para orang tua, agar lebih bisa mengontrol per
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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On a day I was about to leave for work. If not for the superior commands, in fact I am very lazy to come to the Office on holidays. With his eyes still sleepy, I ride with a bit slowly while holding the chill wind of dawn.However, all of a sudden in the middle of the journey, "Braaak!" I dikagetkan with a very loud banging sound that made me surprise, turns out to be right in front of me an accident. Look, there are three people already sprawl, I stop the motor then I pinggirkan on the edge of the road, with the tergesea-gesa I approach the three people that, actually I am not able to see the condition of the third person, but because the soul of humanity I am, I finally ventured.First time I see the State of a girl aged about 15 years was covered in blood, his head banged very hard asphalt, as well as a 35-year-old father is estimated to experience the same thing. However, there are someone's sons I anticipated the boy who has been memboncegi the girl. The boys still wake up around moaning withstand pain. When it's quiet circumstances, maybe because circumstances are still very early in the estimated all offices are also off.Can't stand to see it quickly I adopted the girl who's been injured, either because what I was immediately helped the girl. Perhaps because the girl is similar to my little sister, so I feel what if it actually happened with my sister. With all his might I raise my little girl, I yelled at people around so that helps, especially for helping a father who was already dying.With staggered and full blood on my shirt. I tried to stop the car drove. But 1, 2, and 3 car refused, cannot bear to see a child dying girl dipangkuan me. I tried my ventured into the middle of the highway and stopped a car pick up. Not much to say directly I got into the car. Want to want to menikkan the girl into the car all of a sudden happened a little TIG"It's what is it?" asked the driver with a bit of menggentak."Please take this boy to a nearby hospital Pack!" replied I was hasty."There can, I was busy," replied the driver."Father don't see this girl is full of blood and dying. The father still have hearts right? "I said with a slight tone of vexed.The driver was speechless after seeing the condition of the girl. After obtaining my consent signal directly raise the girl into the car, then the people who have come to help any youth raised and joined injured rose to the car pick up on that. After all the victims of the accident rose to cars, the road to a nearby hospital. But I did not enter into the hospital because I had to continue the journey to the Office. Prior to the Office for a moment I have a look at the condition of a used motorcycle accident, it turned out that her condition is very severe and the motor already invisible form. The motors are stored temporarily in a gas station near the accident. After I saw the scene. I went on a trip to the Office, luckily I had a spare shirt to replace the clothes full of blood.After hours Home Office roughly five hours of my afternoon intending to gas pumps, in addition to gas up, I also want to see if a used motorcycle that is already taken or not. Up at the gas station I saw there was a father and a mother who wants to bring a used motorcycle accident.I approach the father and the mother, with a little fear, I ask."Sorry Sir, this Motor bu why pak kok, crushed this way?" asked I pretended not to know."It's motorcycles my accident this morning," replied Mr. kinda pitiful."If I may know a child is father of the women or men? Then what about his condition now Sir? "asked me curious."My child women dik, she already died of her head crunch," replied Mr. with haru.To hear the answers of the father that I immediately fell silent, limp, and dared not ask. When I was suddenly speechless mother spoke with little sobs."Whereas last night mother forbade him to Lifeline go, but the child's mother continued to argue to keep going with his friends," said the mother was weeping."Means that the child's mother the night away with her without permission of their parents," gumam in my heart, "Naudzubillah Yaa Allah forgive him."The mother of his latest talk himself, "O God ikhlaskan slave, do not let this disappointment complicate my son there. My son loved the real servants of God very menyanginya, "prayer of the mother while crying.This incident became the important lesson for me that the ban's mother is very sacred. Many bad consequences which we will naturally if we do not keep the commandments of the mother. And this could also be a lesson for the parents, so that more can control per
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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IN a dawn of my way to work. If it was not because of orders from superiors, in fact I was very lazy to come to the office on holiday. With her ​​eyes still sleepy, I was riding a bike with a little slowly, holding the cold wind dawn. However, suddenly in the middle of the trip "Braaak!" I was surprised by the sound of the collision is very hard to make my surprise, it turned right in front of my crash. There seem to be three people are lying, I stopped the motor then I Pull off the roadside, with tergesea rushed I approached the three men, in fact I could not see the condition of the three men, but because the soul of my humanity, I finally ventured. Especially when I saw the state of a girl about 15 years old, his head bloodied hit very hard asphalt, as well as a 35-year-old father predicted through the same thing. However, there is someone boy I anticipated the boy who had memboncegi the girl. The boy was still awake sat whimpering withstand pain. When the state of quiet, perhaps because the situation is still very early predicted all offices also off. Unable to bear quickly saw me lift the girl who has been severely injured, for whatever reason, I immediately help the girl. Perhaps because she was like my sister, so I felt what if it really happened to my brother. With all my strength to lift the little girl, I was yelling at people around so that helped, especially to help a father who is dying. With a limp and bloody shirt. I tried to stop a car that was speeding. However, 1, 2, and 3 car refused, unable to see a girl who is dying my lap. I tried my ventured into the middle of the highway and lay a pickup truck. Not much to say directly I climbed into the car. Interlocking want menikkan girl into the car suddenly happened a little quarrel "This is what is it?" Asked the driver with little menggentak. "Will you take this child to the nearest hospital sir!" I replied hastily. "I can not, I'm busy," replied driver. "You do not see this girl with blood and dying. Do you still have a heart, right? "I said with a trace of annoyance. The driver fell silent after seeing the condition of the girl. After obtaining my consent signal directly raise the girl into the car, and those who have come to help, too, raised the youth and the father who was seriously injured rose to pick up the car. After all the crash victims climbed into the car, the car was no road to the nearest hospital. But I did not come to the hospital because I had to continue the journey to the office. Prior to the office for a moment I see the scars of the accident motorcycle condition, it turns very severe condition and the motor is invisible forms. Motor that was saved while at a gas station near the accident. After I saw the scene. I went on a trip to the office, fortunately, I had extra clothes to change clothes were full of blood. Once at home office about five o'clock I intend to petrol stations, in addition to refuel, I also want to see whether the motorcycle used was already taken or not yet. Up at the gas station I saw a father and a mother who wants to bring the former motorcycle accident. My father and mother approached it, with a little bit afraid, I asked. "I'm sorry sir, ma'am. This motor is why the pack, really wrecked like this? "I asked pretending not to know. " This is my child motorcycle accident this morning, "said the father rather pitiful. " If not know the child father female or male? And what about the current state of the pack? "I asked curiously. " My son dik woman, she had died of a violent collision in his head, "the father replied with emotion. Hear the answer from my father fell silent, limp, and did not dare ask. When I paused abruptly mother was talking to a little sobs. "And overnight the mother has been forbidden for the left, but the child's mother continued to argue to keep it going with her ​​male friend," the mother said, weeping. "Then your son is the night along with her ​​male friend without the permission of his parents, "he murmured in my heart," Naudzubillah Yaa Allah forgive him. " his Final mother was talking to myself," God ikhlaskan slave, lest it complicate my disappointment there. O God my dear indeed very menyanginya servant, "the mother's prayer, weeping. This incident was an important lesson for me that the prohibition of the mother is sacred. Many bad consequences we will experience if we do not obey the mother. And these events could also be a lesson to parents, to be more able to control per

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