Asuransi MobilSaat ini mobil merupakan alat transportasi yang sudah sa dịch - Asuransi MobilSaat ini mobil merupakan alat transportasi yang sudah sa Anh làm thế nào để nói

Asuransi MobilSaat ini mobil merupa

Asuransi Mobil
Saat ini mobil merupakan alat transportasi yang sudah sangat umum dimiliki oleh semua orang. Di tengah rawannya kondisi keamanan serta tingginya tingkat kecelakaan, maka sangat diperlukan perlindungan menyeluruh untuk mobil kita terhadap berbagai risiko yang mungkin terjadi, seperti tabrakan, benturan, terbalik, tergelincir, atau terperosok, perbuatan jahat pihak ketiga, pencurian, termasuk pencurian yang didahului atau disertai atau diikuti dengan kekerasan ataupun ancaman kekerasan, kebakaran termasuk kebakaran akibat kebakaran benda lain yang berdekatan atau tempat penyimpanan Kendaraan Bermotor, kebakaran akibat sambaran petir, kerusakan karena air dan atau alat-alat lain yang dipergunakan untuk mencegah atau memadamkan kebakaran, dimusnahkannya seluruh atau sebagian Kendaraan Bermotor atas perintah pihak yang berwenang dalam upaya pencegahan menjalarnya kebakaran tersebut.
ACE Jaya Proteksi berkomitmen untuk melindungi mobil Anda terhadap berbagai risiko tersebut serta perluasan jaminan untuk sebuah perlindungan yang menyeluruh. Dengan pengalaman yang handal di bidang asuransi kendaraan bermotor, ACE Jaya Proteksi memberikan kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam proses klaim.
1. Pelayanan dan proses klaim yang cepat
2. Pelayanan derek siaga oleh petugas yang ramah dan siap membantu
3. Pengerjaan perbaikan oleh tenaga profesional di bengkel yang berkualitas dengan suku cadang asli dan jaminan kualitas pekerjaan selama 1 tahun
*Syarat-syarat, ketentuan, pengecualian dan pembatasan berlaku, silakan mengacu pada polis yang Anda miliki.

Jenis Jaminan
1. Pertanggungan Gabungan (Comprehensive)
Memberikan jaminan terhadap kerugian atau kerusakan pada Kendaraan Bermotor dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan, baik sebagian maupun keseluruhan, yang secara langsung disebabkan oleh:
• Tabrakan, benturan, terbalik, tergelincir atau terperosok.
• Perbuatan jahat
• Kebakaran, kebakaran akibat kebakaran benda lain yang berdekatan atau tempat penyimpanan Kendaraan Bermotor, kebakaran akibat sambaran petir, kerusakan karena air dan atau alat-alat lain yang dipergunakan untuk mencegah atau memadamkan kebakaran, dimusnahkannya seluruh atau sebagian Kendaraan Bermotor atas perintah pihak yang berwenang dalam upaya pencegahan menjalarnya kebakaran itu.
• Kehilangan/pencurian baik sebagian maupun total termasuk pencurian yang didahului atau disertai atau diikuti dengan kekerasan ataupun ancaman kekerasan.
2. Kerugian Total Saja (Total Loss Only - TLO)
Memberikan jaminan terhadap kerugian apabila kendaraan yang dipertanggungkan mengalami kerugian total, sebagai akibat dari risiko – risiko yang dijamin pada jaminan pada Pertanggungan Gabungan (Comprehensive) dengan catatan Kendaraan mengalami kerugian total yang meliputi :
• Kerugian Total Aktual (Actual Total Loss – ATL) yaitu dalam hal unit kendaraan hilang dan tidak diketemukan dalam waktu 60 hari sejak tanggal kehilangan.
• Kerugian Total Konstruktif (Constructive Total Loss – CTL) yaitu dalam hal kendaraan mengalami kerusakan dengan estimasi biaya perbaikan mencapai 75% atau lebih dari harga pasar kendaraan bermotor tersebut.
Perluasan Jaminan yang dapat diberikan
1. Huru-Hara, Terorisme dan Sabotase
Menjamin kerugian yang secara langsung disebabkan oleh salah satu atau beberapa risiko seperti: kerusuhan, pemogokan, penghalangan bekerja, tawuran, huru-hara, pembangkitan rakyat (tanpa senjata api), revolusi (tanpa senjata api), makar, terorisme, sabotase dan penjarahan (selama kerusuhan, pemogokan, penghalangan bekerja, tawuran, huru-hara), serta pencegahan yang wajar dari risiko – risiko tersebut.
2. Tanggung Jawab Hukum (TJH) kepada Pihak Ketiga (Third Party Liability)
Memberikan jaminan apabila selama kendaraan dioperasikan atau digunakan, menabrak atau membentur sehingga menimbulkan kerugian pada pihak ketiga baik berupa cedera badan maupun kerugian material. Perluasan Jaminan Termasuk biaya perkara atau biaya bantuan para ahli yang berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab hukum Tertanggung dengan syarat mendapat persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu dari Penanggung. Tanggung jawab penanggung atas biaya tersebut, setinggi-tingginya sebesar 10% dari Limit Perluasan Jaminan Tanggung Jawab Hukum kepada pihak ketiga dan merupakan tambahan dari Limit Tanggung Jawab Hukum tersebut diatas.
3. Kecelakaan Pribadi (Personal Accident) Pengemudi dan/atau Penumpang
Jaminan terhadap cidera badan / Cacat tetap atau kematian dan atau biaya pengobatan terhadap pengemudi atau penumpang dari kendaraan bermotor yang secara langsung disebabkan oleh kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor tersebut sebagai akibat risiko yang dijamin Polis. Biaya perawatan atau pengobatan atas cidera badan pengemudi atau penumpang setinggi-tingginya 10% dari Limit Pertanggungan untuk perluasan jaminan Kecelakaan Diri Pengemudi / Penumpang.
4. Bencana Alam (Act of God)
Menjamin kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh bencana alam seperti:
• Angin Topan, Badai, Hujan Es, Banjir, Tanah Longsor
• Gempa Bumi, Tsunami
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Car InsuranceThe current car is the means of transportation that is already very common owned by everyone. In the middle of rawannya security conditions as well as high rates of accidents, then much needed protection to the car we are against the various risks that may occur, such as collision, collision, reversed, slipping, or mired, evil deeds third party, theft, including stealing preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threats of violence, fires including fires due to fire other objects adjacent or storage of a motor vehicle due to lightning strikes, fires, damage because the water and or other tools that are used to prevent or extinguish fires, dimusnahkannya all or part of a motor vehicle on the orders of the authorities in menjalarnya fire prevention efforts.ACE Jaya Protection is committed to protecting your car against the various risks as well as the extension of the guarantees for a comprehensive protection. With a reliable experience in the field of motor vehicle insurance, ACE Jaya Protection provide ease and speed in the process claim.Excellence1. Service and fast claims process2. The service of idle cranes by officers who are friendly and ready to help3. Repair Work by professionals qualified in the workshop with original spare parts and quality assurance work for 1 year* Terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions apply, please refer to the policy you have.Types Of Collateral1. The combined Coverage (Comprehensive)Provide a guarantee against loss or damage to motor vehicles and the interests or dipertanggungkan, either in part or whole, is directly caused by:• Collision, collision, reversed, derailed or crashed.• Evil deeds• Fires, fires due to fires in other adjacent objects or storage of a motor vehicle due to lightning strikes, fires, damage because the water and or other tools that are used to prevent or extinguish fires, dimusnahkannya all or part of a motor vehicle on the orders of the authorities in that fire menjalarnya prevention efforts.• Loss/theft either in part or in total including the theft which preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threats of violence.2. Total loss only (TLO Total Loss Only-)Provide a guarantee against losses when vehicle dipertanggungkan suffered a total loss, as a result of risks – risks covered on warranty on Combined Coverage (Comprehensive) and suffered a total loss Vehicle records which include:• Total Actual Losses (Actual Total Loss – ATL), namely in terms of lost vehicles and unit not be retrieved within 60 days from the date of loss.• Constructive Total loss (Constructive Total Loss – CTL), namely in terms of vehicle damage with estimated repair costs reached the 75% or more of the price of the motor vehicle market.The extension of the guarantees can be given1. Riots, terrorism and SabotageGuarantee losses directly caused by one or more of the risk such as: riots, strikes, counteraction to work, melee, Brawl, stirring up the people (without firearms), revolution (without gun), treason, terrorism, sabotage and looting (during riots, strikes, counteraction to work, Brawl, melee), as well as a reasonable precaution of the risk – the risk.2. Legal responsibility (TJH) to third parties (Third Party Liability)Guarantee if during vehicle operated or used, hit or banged giving rise to losses on third party injury either body or material losses. The extension of the warranty include the cost of the case or the cost relief experts with regard to the legal liability of the insured subject to prior written approval from the insurer. Liability insurer over those costs, extended by 10% of the Limit of the extension Guarantee legal liability to third parties and is in addition to the legal responsibility of the Limit listed above.3. Personal accident (Personal Accident) the driver and/or PassengerSecurity against injury to the body/permanent disability or death and or medical expenses against the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle that is directly caused by the motor vehicle accident as a result of risks covered. The cost of the care or treatment of injury to the driver's body or upper passenger extended 10% of the Limit of Coverage for the extension of the guarantees Themselves Crash the driver/passengers.4. Natural disasters (Act of God)Guarantee losses caused by natural hazards such as:• Hurricane, Storms, Hail, Floods, Landslides• Earthquake, Tsunami
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Car Insurance
Nowadays car is a means of transportation that is very common to everyone. In the middle of the fragility of the security situation and the high rate of accidents, so it will need complete protection for our cars to various risks that may occur, such as collisions, collisions, overturned, slip, or fall, evil deeds third parties, theft, including theft preceded or accompanied or accompanied by violence or the threat of violence, fires including fires caused by fires another object adjacent or storage of motor vehicles, fire caused by lightning, water damage or other tools that are used to prevent or extinguish fires, dimusnahkannya whole or in part Vehicles motor on the orders of the authorities in efforts to prevent the fire spreading.
ACE Jaya protection is committed to protecting your car against such risks as well as the extension of a guarantee for a complete protection. With reliable experience in the field of motor vehicle insurance, ACE Jaya Protection provides convenience and speed in the claims process.
1. Services and process claims faster
2. Standby tow service by officers were friendly and ready to help
3. Repair work by professional personnel qualified workshop with original spare parts and quality assurance work for 1 year
* Terms, conditions, exclusions and restrictions apply, please refer to the policy you have. Type Security 1. Assured Combined (Comprehensive) Provide a guarantee against loss or damage to the motor vehicle and or interest insured, either in part or in whole, which are directly caused by: • Collision, collision, overturned, slip or fall. • evil deed • Fire, fire caused fires another object adjacent or storage of motor vehicles, fire caused by lightning, water damage or other tools that are used to prevent or extinguish fires, dimusnahkannya all or part of motor vehicles on the orders of the authorities in efforts to prevent the spread of fire . • Loss / theft either in part or in total, including theft preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or the threat of violence. 2. Total Loss Only (Total Loss Only - TLO) Provide a guarantee against losses if the insured vehicle suffered a total loss, as a result of risk - a risk that is secured on collateral in Assured Combined (Comprehensive) with a record of vehicle suffered a total loss include: • Losses Total actual (actual Total loss - ATL), namely in terms of vehicle units lost and not found within 60 days from the date of loss. • Losses Total Constructive (Constructive Total loss - CTL) that in the case of vehicles were damaged with repair cost estimates reaches 75% or more than the price of the motor vehicle market. Expansion of guarantee can be given one. Huru-Hara, Terrorism and Sabotage Guarantee losses directly caused by one or several risks such as riots, strikes, blockades work, brawl, melee, the generation of people (without firearms), revolution (without firearms), treason , terrorism, sabotage and looting (during the riots, strikes, blockades work, brawl, melee), as well as the reasonable prevention of risks - those risks. 2. Responsibility Law (TJH) to third parties (Third Party Liability) Provide a guarantee if for vehicles operated or used, bumping or hitting causing damages to third parties either bodily injury or material loss. Security Expansion Including court fees or the cost of assistance experts relating to legal liability insured terms prior written approval of the Insurer. Insurer liable for these charges, a maximum of 10% of Limit Extension Warranty liability to third parties and are in addition to Limit Liability of the above. 3. Personal Accident (Personal Accident) The driver and / or passenger Assurance of bodily injury / Defect fixed or death or medical expenses of the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle that is directly caused by motor vehicle accidents as a result of risks that are guaranteed Polis. The cost of care or treatment for any injuries the driver or passenger weight as high as 10% of Limit Coverage for expansion of guarantees Accident Driver / Passenger. 4. Natural disasters (Act of God) Guarantee losses caused by natural disasters such as: • Typhoon, Storm, Hail, Floods, Landslides • Earthquakes, Tsunami

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